The majority of the teens who arrive at Seton Home are behind in school, and two-thirds are regular truants and do not see graduating in their future. Through Seton Home’s comprehensive education program, our teens are not only graduating High School but are continuing onto college or vocational school!
Our comprehensive education program includes:
• Counseling to help start the healing process
• School enrollment within 3-business days of arriving at Seton Home
• Year-round tutoring
• On-campus summer enrichment academy
• School supplies
• On-site licensed Child Development Center with Early Head Start Programming
• Child development screenings
• Education Coordinator to attend parent/teacher conferences and encourage our teens to reach their educational goals!
Additionally, Seton Home provides young mothers with the tools to become nurturing parents in order to break the generational cycle of abuse and neglect, guiding them into self-sufficiency ensuring they are capable of caring for their children upon leaving our facility. The program encapsulates everything from:
• Classes regarding:
Upon arriving at Seton Home, most young mothers are suffering from chronic trauma related to poverty, violence, abuse and neglect, with symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and maladaptive coping skills.
• 85% have experienced emotional abuse
• 91% have suffered neglect
• 82% have suffered physical abuse
Counselors provide direct support to our young families, helping them begin to heal from the trauma they’ve endured. As healing begins, mothers can start to rebuild their lives and be a caring and nurturing parent to their child.
Seton Home’s spirituality program promotes acceptance and positive self-development as our residents begin to view themselves and their children as worthy and unique creations of God.
Seton Home is fortunate to have a volunteer from the Jesuit Volunteer Corps (JVC) serve a one-year term as the Faith Formation Coordinator and coordinate many faith-based activities, including weekly youth group meetings. Residents are encouraged to attend religious services at the congregation of their choice.
Seton Home partners with community volunteers and students of theology to work with our residents and their children by providing activities and lessons as they walk their healing journey.
As part of Catholic Charities and an affiliate of the Archdiocese of San Antonio, Seton Home appreciates the support we receive through the Archbishop’s Appeal!
(*All spirituality and faith development activities are offered to all residents, but are not mandatory. Should one choose not to receive services from us, we will assist in locating help elsewhere.)
Coming from unstable and chaotic homes, our young moms are in need of a safe, nurturing environment to call home where they feel comfortable raising their children. With the support of our team of Residential Instructors, Case Managers and a Parenting Coordinator, our teens feel a sense of security and belonging, something they may have never had before.
Seton Home understands transitioning to independent living can be stressful. Seton Home continues to provide our young families with continued support even after they are living outside of Seton Home. We truly believe that by providing this additional support, Seton Home’s teens can be successful, contributing members of our community.
Provides family assistance such as diapers, baby clothing, baby food and baby articles*
Parenting classes
Life skills classes
Case management, resources and referrals
Assistance with education, community connection and career planning
Other related services necessary for the well-being of the individual and their family
*Limited amount per person/family and based on availability
Eligibility is for men and woman who:
Eligible parents do not need a connection or prior engagement with Seton Home to take part in the program. Community members are welcome.
* “Adult caregiver” means an adult person whom a parent has authorized to provide temporary care for a child.
There are no income or insurance requirements to receive services
All services are FREE OF CHARGE
For more information, or to schedule a session contact Seton Home at 210-533-3504 or
Who We Serve
• Teenage girls, ages 12-17, who are pregnant and/or parenting; the majority of whom have been removed from their homes by Child Protective Services due to severe abuse, neglect, or sexual assault.
• Young adult mothers, ages 18-20, who are in extended foster care and who are pregnant or parenting a young child.
• Most Seton Home residents have lived in disorganized and chaotic families, often being passed from one set of relatives, friends or foster homes to another
• Most are suffering from chronic trauma related to poverty, violence, abuse and neglect with symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and maladaptive coping skills.
Chartered by the State of Texas and licensed by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, Seton Home provides…
• Supervised safe shelter, food and clothing
• Individualized case management & counseling
• Transportation
• Medical/dental care, prenatal care
• Parenting education
• Academic counseling, weekly tutoring, on-site summer educational programming
• Life skills education, financial literary classes, nutrition classes
• On-site licensed childcare
• Spiritual guidance
• Recreational activities
• Supportive services after leaving Seton Home
Under our license from the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, Seton Home operates a long-term residential program as well as an emergency shelter. 95% of our long-term residents have been placed with Seton Home by Child Protective Services.
Last updated: 7/26/24